"I've never felt so empowered knowing that there are people out there who will fight for us 'little guys'." - Vivien A.

In San Francisco County, 24% of all adults drink excessively at times and 1.7% of drivers have had a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) offense. What if you were injured by a drunk or drugged driver? What if they crashed into your car, hit you on the sidewalk, or drove drunk as your Uber driver?

San Francisco DUI crashes can be particularly horrifying when they involve pedestrians, cyclists, scooter riders, and motorcyclists because their bodies are more exposed to the impact. DUI accidents can result in serious bodily harm like deep lacerations, organ damage, back injuries, head injuries, brain damage, and even death.

These accidents happen constantly right here in California. Over a single New Year’s weekend, 50 people died in crashes attributed to drugs and alcohol. Although our state has enacted tough laws about driving impaired, some people just don’t want to play by the rules.

After a DUI accident, you can sue someone and seek compensation for your injuries. By filing a lawsuit, you not only get the resources you need to recover, but also help prevent your fellow citizens from suffering the same trauma.

You Need a San Francisco Drunk Driving Injury Lawyer ASAP

Without a lawyer, get ready to get pushed around. It’s common for individuals without legal representation to become overwhelmed by the post-accident process and unwittingly accept a deal that’s not in their best interest.

You need a lawyer to help you protect your rights under California law. We’ll secure a settlement that’s far more valuable than our attorneys’ fees, which we won’t take until the end of your case. It is our goal and our total focus to put money in your pocket with a lot less stress than if you tried to do it alone.


You Don’t Have to Handle your DUI Injury Claim Alone

The California drunk driving accident attorneys at Sally Morin Law Firm are vehicle accident experts with more than 35 years of combined experience. We boldly represent DUI accident victims and pursue insurance providers to make sure you get a full, fast, and fair settlement.

After your accident, you can hire us to help reduce your stress and allow you to focus on your recovery while we focus on your case. It’s rare that we even have to take a case to trial because we are so skilled at negotiating solid settlements that fairly compensate our clients while allowing them to put their personal injury cases behind them.

Who’s at Fault for a San Francisco DUI Accident?

Although driving under the influence of alcohol is definitely a crime in California, a drunk or drugged driver isn’t automatically at fault for an accident. To be at fault, they must have been doing something unlawful or negligent.

It must be proven that:

  • They were driving at the time of the crash
  • While driving, they did something illegal or breached their duty of care, and
  • As a result of their illegal or negligent action, you were injured and/or suffered property damage

Proving that these circumstances existed during a DUI accident usually requires thorough investigation, valid documentation and persuasive presentation of the facts. How can you prove that the driver did something illegal or negligent? How can you even prove that they were drunk or on drugs?

This is why it’s so important to hire a San Francisco DUI injury attorney who has experience with these types of personal injury claims and knows exactly what you need to make your case. Your lawyer can help you gather evidence, conduct witness interviews, talk to the insurance companies, and advocate to make a strong case for your compensation.

Examples of DUI Accidents in San Francisco

There are many types of DUI accidents that happen in the streets of San Francisco. We can’t possibly list them all, but below are some examples of scenarios where you might find yourself seriously injured and in need of a DUI accident attorney.

Making sure you get paid for all of these items (and more) is what a great San Francisco car accident lawyer will do for you. If you choose and attorney with a long track record of success with San Francisco car accidents, they will increase your settlement by way more than their legal fees. This means more money in your pocket, with a lot less stress.

What are the Dangers of Drunk and Drugged Drivers?

Every 50 minutes in the U.S., someone dies due to the acThere are many types of DUI accidents that happen in the streets of San Francisco. We can’t possibly list them all, but below are some examples of scenarios where you might find yourself seriously injured and in need of a DUI accident attorney.

Making sure you get paid for all of these items (and more) is what a great San Francisco car accident lawyer will do for you. If you choose and attorney with a long track record of success with San Francisco car accidents, they will increase your settlement by way more than their legal fees. This means more money in your pocket, with a lot less stress.tions of a drunk driver. Being drunk severely restricts your reaction speed and prevents you from making the kinds of split-second decisions it takes to stay safe on the road.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, at a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher, the risk of a driving crash rises sharply. This is why .08 BAC is the legal alcohol limit to drive in most states, including California.

Drugged driving can cause similar impairments in driving. If you believe you were injured in an accident involving a drugged driver, talk to your San Francisco DUI accident injury attorney about your concerns. Drugged driving is also a crime in California when the driver is too impaired to drive safely.

DUI Dangers to San Francisco Cyclists and Pedestrians

Did you know pedestrian deaths are up by 35% in California since 2008? The streets of San Francisco are filled with pedestrians, scooter riders, and cyclists, yet drivers often fail to see these folks they share the road with because motorists’ vehicle are so much bigger.

When someone is driving under the influence, they are even more likely to be too impaired or distracted to avoid hitting a pedestrian or cyclist. You may have injuries from a driver who:

  • Backs over you
  • Collides with you at an intersection
  • Accelerates suddenly and hits you
  • Fails to see you while changing lanes
  • Runs over you in a crosswalk

Don’t suffer in silence if this happens to you. Hire a San Francisco DUI injury attorney who can help you prove that the driver’s impairment led to your injuries.

Passengers are at Risk in DUI Accidents

When you’re a passenger in a car, you’re powerless to stop a DUI accident. This is especially true for rideshare passengers, and San Francisco is one of Uber’s top markets in the world.

Passengers can sue intoxicated drivers in DUI accidents, whether the passenger was in the driver’s car, in another car that was hit, or even was out drinking with the intoxicated person prior to the accident. Although a passenger may take on some risk when riding in the car with someone they know is impaired, passengers don’t always know the state of the driver.

Under California law, a drunk passenger in a car isn’t eligible to be charged with a DUI offense, although the authorities may investigate whether the driver and passenger may have switched places. As you can see, these can be complex cases and you’ll need an experienced San Francisco DUI attorney to help you sort through the details.

What Can I Do About a DUI Accident?

After a DUI crash, it is your obligation to contact the authorities if you suspect someone was driving drunk or if someone is injured. Call 911 to report injuries and follow the instructions of medical personnel for your own injuries.

Gather any evidence from the scene you are able to access. Take photos and videos. Save all paperwork related to the accident, including your medical records, a police report, and communications with insurance companies.

If something leads you to believe a driver was drunk or drugged at the time of the accident, note this and contact a San Francisco DUI injury accident attorney. Don’t accuse anyone of a crime or speak at length about the accident until you speak to your attorney.

Who Pays for My Injuries in a DUI Accident?

DUI drivers can be ordered to pay for your medical bills after a DUI accident. Their insurance coverage may cover the cost, or you can win a judgment against them personally.

It’s essential to establish the cost of your medical bills and put a dollar value on your claim. In addition to your physical injuries, you may need psychological counseling and other aftercare to help you recover from the trauma of the accident. Since the Vietnam War, car crashes have become the #1 cause of PTSD in the U.S.

Why do I Need a Personal Injury Attorney for a DUI Accident?

It can be quite difficult to hold someone responsible for your injuries, even if they are charged criminally with a DUI. The insurance company may give you the runaround and try to avoid paying your medical bills. You might even be dealing with someone who is headed to jail and doesn’t care about your injuries.

Your San Francisco DUI Injury Attorney Can Help You...

Your San Francisco DUI Injury Attorney Can Help You...

  • Investigating the circumstances of the crash
  • Doing interviews and gathering evidence
  • Demanding compensation from the insurance company
  • Helping you get your car repairs paid
  • Getting your medical bills paid
  • Negotiating with difficult people
  • Holding the DUI driver responsible
  • Reducing your stress and letting you recover
  • Handling your case so you can get back to your family, friends and work

If you've been in a serious DUI accident and have suffered:

Broken bones





Then speaking with a San Francisco DUI accident lawyer at Sally Morin Personal Injury Lawyers for a free consultation- or completing our FREE online case evaluation - is the first step on the road to recovery.

Let's Get the Settlement You Deserve!

Why risk sabotaging your SF car accident claim by trying to handle it alone? Get your no cost, risk-free case evaluation. And get peace of mind.

If at any time within the first 30 days of signing with Sally Morin Personal Injury Lawyers you are not 100% satisfied with the quality and care of service you receive from our attorneys, we will cancel your contract at no cost so that you can seek different representation. No questions asked.

Why do I Need a Personal Injury Attorney for a DUI Accident?

It can be quite difficult to hold someone responsible for your injuries, even if they are charged criminally with a DUI. The insurance company may give you the runaround and try to avoid paying your medical bills. You might even be dealing with someone who is headed to jail and doesn’t care about your injuries.

Your San Francisco DUI Injury Attorney Can Help You…

  • Investigating the circumstances of the crash
  • Doing interviews and gathering evidence
  • Demanding compensation from the insurance company
  • Helping you get your car repairs paid
  • Getting your medical bills paid
  • Negotiating with difficult people
  • Holding the DUI driver responsible
  • Reducing your stress and letting you recover
  • Handling your case so you can get back to your family, friends and work

What Types of DUI Crashes Do You Handle?

At Sally Morin Law, we focus on clients who are seriously injured by others in traffic accidents, including DUI crashes. Our expertise is securing high-dollar compensation for people whose lives have been totally shaken up by the negligence of others.

We can help you with your:

If you have severe injuries from a California DUI accident, including broken bones, a traumatic brain injury, or bodily damage that requires surgical intervention including plastic surgery, contact Sally Morin Personal Injury Lawyers. We are one of the best-known names in San Francisco for these types of serious DUI accidents.

Remember: The Insurance Adjuster is Not on Your Side!

After a DUI accident, you might get a call from an insurance company representative who is offering you a quick payout to settle your claim. Beware! This is a classic maneuver that is designed to get you to sign away your rights quickly for a small sum.

Don’t sign anything until you talk to someone at Sally Morin Law. The costs of your DUI accident could be enormous and a lowball offer is a terrible deal for you. Your medical bills could grow bigger and bigger, so could your lost earnings as you’re missing days of work due to the accident.

An insurance adjuster’s #1 priority is getting you to accept a low offer and sign on the dotted line. Once you do that, you forfeit your opportunity to sue, and they know it!

Never allow an insurance adjuster to downplay your accident or trick you into thinking it’s all your fault, and therefore you can’t demand a larger settlement. That’s simply not true. Under California law, you can sue to recover the full cost of your medical bills, plus the cost of your vehicle, the value of your missed workdays, and compensation for your pain and suffering.

Unlike an insurance adjuster who tries to get you to settle for less, your attorney from Sally Morin Personal Injury Lawyers is focused on getting you more money, more resources to repair your car, and more compensation that helps you move forward successfully from your accident.

You Need a San Francisco DUI Accident Injury Lawyer ASAP

Without a lawyer, get ready to get pushed around. It’s common for individuals without legal representation to become overwhelmed by the post-accident process and unwittingly accept a deal that’s not in their best interest.

You need a lawyer to help you protect your rights under California law. We’ll secure a settlement that’s far more valuable than our attorneys’ fees, which we won’t take until the end of your case. It is our goal and our total focus to put money in your pocket with a lot less stress than if you tried to do it alone.

Anna S.

San Francisco Accident Client

"I was in a really hard situation and Carmen at Sally Morin helped me so very much. Carmen helped me to understand my rights when I was plowed down by a drunk driver and I felt so much better knowing that I could get some assistance in resolving my case. Carmen has made me feel like the future is bright and that I can get justice amidst this awful situation."


San Francisco Client

"Lauren, Sally and Rebecca were better than family in steering me through the 6 months that followed."

Check out Sally Morin Personal Injury Lawyers' San Francisco Client Reviews and Testimonials

The San Francisco car accident legal team at Sally Morin Personal Injury Lawyers gives unparalleled customer-service. You can see in our reviews all the reasons...

Why Sally Morin Personal Injury Lawyers has over 150 5-star ratings from California traffic accident clients:

We only do serious traffic accidents. We limit our practice strictly to major injuries resulting from car, motorcycle, bicycle and pedestrian accidents. This allows the team to focus on developments in a single area of law and develop an unmatched level of expertise.

We don’t take every case. We don’t accept “nuisance claims” from potential clients who are motivated purely by financial gain or revenge. Our clients are people whose lives have been significantly disrupted by their injuries.

We are the perfect lawyers for people who don’t want one. Our clients tend to be people who didn’t want a lawyer or at least never thought they would need to hire one. But, the severity of their accident gave them no choice. We won’t litigate unnecessarily or drag you to a trial you never wanted. We aren’t doing this for our own egos, we are doing this for you! If you’re going to be stuck with a personal injury lawyer, it may as well be us.

We are attentive and responsive. You are not just a case number at Sally Morin Personal Injury Lawyers. With our “quality over quantity” approach to cases, you and your case will get the full attention it deserves. We WILL return your calls and emails and keep you updated on the status of your case.

We collaborate with you when big decisions need to be made. It’s your case. We will check with you on important decisions like settlement offers, filing a lawsuit or going to trial.

We increase your “net settlement” value. Not only will we work to get you the highest settlement possible, but we will also negotiate with your healthcare providers to reduce their charges, so you end up with more of your settlement money.

If the idea of working with a customer-centric San Francisco car accident lawyer who gets quick and solid results for their clients appeals to you, your next step is to get a FREE case evaluation from our San Francisco car accident team.

Not Sure W​​​​hat To Do Next?

Complete Guide on what to do after an accident in San Francisco

Some of what you will get in this guide:

  1. What you can do immediately after an accident
  2. How to get the help you need to recover after an accident
  3. Helpful resources and contacts in San Francisco that you can reach out to
  4. Understand your personal injury case and how you should handle it
Olga K.

"I am very happy with the service that I received from Sally Morin. I found her on Yelp. I was looking for an attorney who is honest and professional. And I am glad I found her! She is very knowledgeable and professional personal injury attorney. She took care about all aspects of my case, kept me informed, answered all my questions quickly. She made herself available via e-mail. For me it was the perfect communication channel. I could send an e-mail any time I had a questions and she would respond to my e-mails either the same day or the next day. She helped me to relief stress that I had after my injury and I feel constant support from her side. Great attorney, great personality, great results. Thank you Sally!"

Sally Morin Personal Injury Lawyers'
California Personal Injury Blog

Sally Morin Personal Injury Lawyers is an all female team of customer-focused, five-star California personal injury attorneys who exclusively handle traffic accident settlement negotiation. They have California offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Jose, and Oakland.

Review of Sally Morin law by Anna S.

Anna S.

San Francisco Accident Client

"I was in a really hard situation and Carmen at Sally Morin helped me so very much. Carmen helped me to understand my rights when I was plowed down by a drunk driver and I felt so much better knowing that I could get some assistance in resolving my case. Carmen has made me feel like the future is bright and that I can get justice amidst this awful situation."

Review of Sally Morin Law by LEAKE L.


San Francisco Client

"Lauren, Sally and Rebecca were better than family in steering me through the 6 months that followed."

Review of Sally Morin Law by Olga K.

Olga K.

"I am very happy with the service that I received from Sally Morin. I found her on Yelp. I was looking for an attorney who is honest and professional. And I am glad I found her! She is very knowledgeable and professional personal injury attorney. She took care about all aspects of my case, kept me informed, answered all my questions quickly. She made herself available via e-mail. For me it was the perfect communication channel. I could send an e-mail any time I had a questions and she would respond to my e-mails either the same day or the next day. She helped me to relief stress that I had after my injury and I feel constant support from her side. Great attorney, great personality, great results. Thank you Sally!"

Are You Ready to Start the Road to Recovery?